Adding Custom button in Sugar 10.2 footer page

Please explain the steps to achieve adding custom button next to help link options in footer page in Sugar CRM Version 10.2

i.e., Append new View to Footer layout's list of components

  • As of 10.2, the footer is structured a bit differently. It now has a <footer> element within the <div id="footer /> element. So, your existing viewdef is adding the view to the original <div id="footer" /> but the <footer> element is the one that is actually positioned on the bottom of the screen. So, that element is broken into 2 new components:

    • footer-buttons - the right-hand side of the footer with the other buttons like "help"
    • footer-logos - the left-hand side of the footer with the sugarcrm logo

    So, you need to change your references (and directory name) to one of those new values. If you want the button to display on the right side with the help button et al, use:

    $viewdefs['base']['layout']['footer-buttons']['components'][] = array (
        'view' => 'your-view-name',

    Then be sure to put your layout file in custom/Extension/application/Ext/clients/base/layouts/footer-buttons

  • As of 10.2, the footer is structured a bit differently. It now has a <footer> element within the <div id="footer /> element. So, your existing viewdef is adding the view to the original <div id="footer" /> but the <footer> element is the one that is actually positioned on the bottom of the screen. So, that element is broken into 2 new components:

    • footer-buttons - the right-hand side of the footer with the other buttons like "help"
    • footer-logos - the left-hand side of the footer with the sugarcrm logo

    So, you need to change your references (and directory name) to one of those new values. If you want the button to display on the right side with the help button et al, use:

    $viewdefs['base']['layout']['footer-buttons']['components'][] = array (
        'view' => 'your-view-name',

    Then be sure to put your layout file in custom/Extension/application/Ext/clients/base/layouts/footer-buttons

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