how to prevent module editing depending on status 'Completed'

I am a beginner on Sugar...

My target is prevent module editing.

I wrote down ......this.$('.record-edit-link-wrapper').remove(); 
 and it works....
but i want to disabled icon-pencil (it is my biggest problem) on each field ....In order to prevent editing if status is Completed...
How can do it?
Sugar 7.5.1 pro
  • Hi Luca,

    What version of Sugar are you working on?
    There are a lot of ways to do this. 

    If you want the whole record to be not editable, the most simple way I can think of to do this, that works on both 6 and 7, is via "before_save" logichook. In your hook, you can do the condition checking and throw a Sugar Exception to prevent the changes from being saved. 

    If you only want to make some fields not editable, then, dependencies are more suited for the job.


  • Hi Luca,

    What version of Sugar are you working on?
    There are a lot of ways to do this. 

    If you want the whole record to be not editable, the most simple way I can think of to do this, that works on both 6 and 7, is via "before_save" logichook. In your hook, you can do the condition checking and throw a Sugar Exception to prevent the changes from being saved. 

    If you only want to make some fields not editable, then, dependencies are more suited for the job.


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