display data stored in one module in another module

I have address field which is stored in accounts module while creating the account. Here what I want is this address field should reflect in all modules can any one clearly explain me about this query .thanks in advance.
  • --- You need to create the address field in all desired modules.
    (Copy address field defination from \cache\modules\Accounts\Accountvardefs.php and add in your module in upgrade safe manner Path \custom\Extension\modules\YourModule\Ext\Vardefs\yourAddressFied.php )

    After this hit Quick Repair and Rebuild and see address field is created.

    ---  Secondly after adding field you need to show field in editviewdefs.php,detailviewdefs.php.
     (For this copy address field(billing,shipping) arrays from \modules\Accounts\metadata\editviewdefs.php ,\modules\Accounts\metadata\detailviewdefs.php and add in your module's edit/deailviewdefs.php in upgrade safe manner Path :custom/modules/YourModule/metadate/editORdeailviewdefs.php)

  • No worries mate.steps to follow:
    1: Add address field and account relate field in quote and contract modules. 
    2: Declare fields definition in editviewdef, detailviewdef of quote and contract module.
    3: If you don't want to add field in editview than display params is not solution.
    4: If you want to create new quote and contract records on creation of each account than you need to add before_save logic hook in account module.
    5: What you want to do step 3 or step 4?
  • No worries mate.steps to follow:
    1: Add address field and account relate field in quote and contract modules. 
    2: Declare fields definition in editviewdef, detailviewdef of quote and contract module.
    3: If you don't want to add field in editview than display params is not solution.
    4: If you want to create new quote and contract records on creation of each account than you need to add before_save logic hook in account module.
    5: What you want to do step 3 or step 4?
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