How to get the SugarCRM downloaded in local machine ? Store site is redirceting me to user page.

Hi there,

I have got free trail link. I'm unable to download the SugarCRM from the store site which is mentioned in the documentation. It navigates me to user link instead. Can you please throw us some light on how to download it and run on a local machine ?

Appreciate the assistance in advance. Thanks.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Manimaran,

    If you purchase Sugar Professional or Enterprise, you will be given access to a flavor conversion package to convert CE to your desired edition. The last available conversion package for CE is for version 6.5. If you are running an earlier version than 6.5, I recommend first upgrading CE to the latest 6.5 release. Once you convert CE 6.5 to the commercial edition, then you can follow Upgrade Paths for On-Site Installations to upgrade to the current Sugar release. Please be sure to do this entire exercise on a sandbox environment before updating production.

    Depending on the complexity of your installation or the upgrade path presented, you may want to consider installing the latest version of Sugar, reimplementing the configurations and customizations critical to your use, and then migrating the data from your CE instance.

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