With the new Cloud Insights feature built into the Admin of On-Demand instances is there any way to retrieve instance storage via an API request?
With the new Cloud Insights feature built into the Admin of On-Demand instances is there any way to retrieve instance storage via an API request?
Just throwing my keys in the bowl too, or hat in the ring...
Just had the same thought myself. I am intersted to log our DB and FS storage over time so I can predict the rate that we are likely to fill up.
An API call would be cool for this.
I suspect it is a different authentication to accessing your normal cloud instance though?
Insights: https://sugarcloud-insights-euw2.service.sugarcrm.com/usage
Instance: https://yourinstancename.sugaropencloud.uk/ or .eu etc..
I see it is a very old post, so hopefully get it restarted
Bazzilion thanks ;-)
HI Luke Ridgway,
From 12.2 the backups can be downloaded from the Insights URL via API.
If you follow the same authentication process and observe the endpoint of the first page: You can use it to retrieve the cloud usage per instance.
Endpoint - https://<sugar_insights_url>/api/v1/app_instance
It returns something like this.
Mind that the OAuth token needs to be from an Admin user.
Let me know if this works for you.