Match Account Currency To Order Currency Always

Hi there,

I was wondering if there is a way of setting a currency for the account which every order/quote is always prepared in. For example, if the customer is a European account then they will always have their orders and invoices in Euro's all the time. Sometimes the finance team forget to change the currency of the order into the currency which the order is actually supposed to be invoiced in therefore when it enters into our Sage it would then create a new account code and also the invoice which is in Sage would be in the incorrect currency. 

At the moment in my own sandbox environment i have been able to add some kind of code which changes the product currency to that which is the same as the order currency. See attached for this file.

However i am not sure how to match the order/quote currency to that of the account.
  • This is possible with a bit of simple customization.

    • Create a currency field on Accounts
    • Add the attribute populate_list in the fields opportunities, quotes and quotes_shipto at extended Accounts vardefs
    • Add the attribute populate_list in the field account_name at extended Opportunities vardefs
    • Add the attribute populate_list in the fields shipping_account_name and billing_account_name at extended Quotes vardefs
    • Run QRR from Admin -> Repair

    At the populate_list you have to setup the currency field in order to tell SugarCRM to copy the currency field from Account to destination (either Opportunity or Quote), for example:

    'populate_list' => array(
     'currency_c' => 'currency_id',

    The left side means the source (Accounts), the right side means the destination (either Opportunities or Quotes).


    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada
  • Hi Andre,

    Thank you so much for the fast reply!

    I have never done any development with Sugar before therefore I don't even know where to start from. 

    The file which i had attached, I basically loaded that through the module loader and therefore it applied the code.

    How would i create this code that you have put on here and load it through the module loader.

    Really appreciate your help. 

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