subpanel customization that works but is the cause of a malfunction

Hello everybody,

I noticed a dysfunction after making a customization on the subpanels.

I wanted to hide the complete bar :

And I open a case to know how to do this customization.

Here the answer :

6 - This is a bit complicated then others. You would need to duplicate clients/base/layouts/record/record.php
to the custom/clients/base/layouts/record/record.php and modify the file. 

This one requires a bit different customisations. You would see 
'layout' => array(
'type' => 'filterpanel',

definition. You want to remove everything but subpanels in the filterpanel. 
I will paste the code here for you. But I will comment the parts that you need to remove. Your filterpanel layout definition must be like this: 
'layout' => array(
'type' => 'filterpanel',
// 'last_state' => array(
// 'id' => 'record-filterpanel',
// 'defaults' => array(
// 'toggle-view' => 'subpanels',
// ),
// ),
// 'refresh_button' => true,
// 'availableToggles' => array(
// array(
// 'name' => 'subpanels',
// 'icon' => 'fa-table',
// 'label' => 'LBL_DATA_VIEW',
// ),
// array(
// 'name' => 'list',
// 'icon' => 'fa-table',
// 'label' => 'LBL_LISTVIEW',
// ),
// array(
// 'name' => 'activitystream',
// 'icon' => 'fa-clock-o',
// 'label' => 'LBL_ACTIVITY_STREAM',
// ),
// ),
'components' => array(
// array(
// 'layout' => 'filter',
// 'xmeta' => array(
// 'layoutType' => '',
// ),
// 'loadModule' => 'Filters',
// ),
// array(
// 'view' => 'filter-rows',
// ),
// array(
// 'view' => 'filter-actions',
// ),
// array(
// 'layout' => 'activitystream',
// 'context' =>
// array(
// 'module' => 'Activities',
// ),
// ),
'layout' => 'subpanels',
After these changes, you will need to go to Admin > Repairs and run Quick Repair and Rebuild. 

After applaying the changes in the code, we have this result :

The problem is that being on a "Foncier", when we want to see the "Parcelles", there is "Loading" which remains and does not display the "Parcelles" associated with the "Foncier".

Did you have a solution for this problem ?

Thanks in advance.


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