Set Price(field) of Products in opportunities Lines, depending on user role and custom fields in product teplates


Hi hope that you can help me with this

I have in Opportunities in related records panels, the lines of the opportunity, whose are related to Products, here, I have a dropdown that is related to ProductTemplates.

When you click in "Elemento de la linea" a search select input is showed, and this field is related to Product Templates.

I want that when the user select that ProductTemplate, in the Product the "Precio Unitario" (discount_price) is seted with some special rules that depends on the role of the current user. 

How can I trigger that event?

I was trying adding a "selection-list.js" in  custom/modules/ProductTemplates/clients/base/views/selection-list/selection-list.js.

But the select list is never render.

extendsFrom: 'RecordlistView',

* @inheritdoc
initialize: function(options) {

console.log("Hello world");
this._super('initialize', [options]);
render: function()
console.log('GlobalRecordlistView:: render');
