add duplicate email column to duplicate check on lead save

When saving a new lead and there is another lead with the same email, i get the Duplicate screen, with a table of the leads that have the same email. but the email column is not shown - only the first name, last name and title and the headline doesn't tell that the duplicate is an email , only that there are duplicates.

how can i show the email column in the duplicates table?

working with sugarcrm CE 6.5.24 and  code change doesn't have to be upgrade safe.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Diana,

    To add the field in duplicate check, you can refer to the thread (Rolustech old comment).

    To update the title( I am assuming the column table header) of the newly added field in duplicate checklist view, do following steps(e.g, your new field name is new_field)
    1. Create a language file at path custom/Extension/modules/Leads/Ext/Language/en_us.duplicate_check_list_column.php
    2. Define the following labels in this file
    // Replace new_field with actual field name.
    $mod_strings['db_new_field'] = 'LBL_LIST_NEW_FIELD';
    $mod_strings['LBL_LIST_NEW_FIELD'] = 'New Field'; // In case label is already define, no need to write this line.
    Kind Regards,
    Rolustech Support