display fields from related record on Email Template


I'm wondering if this is possible in Sugar? I came from SFDC and had used this function for a lot of my email templates during my SFDC days. Going into Sugar, I wanted to know if it's possible to display fields from related records on email template. 

A good use case for this is I have a module connected to Contacts. When creating my email template, I'd like to use just the Contact's First Name on the email template instead of the Contact's full name.  In SFDC, I will simply do the following:


Where "r" denotes pulling related fields and "c" is the actual field being pulled. This example means The main module is Job Application, pulling in fields from Related Module Contact and returning the value of FirstName__c.

Is it possible in Sugar?

  • Hi Niegel Leoncio,

    When discussing templates in Sugar, it is important to distinguish between email templates, worklfow templates, process templates, and campaign templates. Each of these templates have different use cases and subtly different capabilities.

    In an email template, which would be used when sending an email manually, the Contact first name variable can be entered using the buttons in the user interface. The variable is: $contact_first_name

    In your question, you mention a Job_Application module. How is the link to the Job_Application module relevant to your email? Is the email being manually sent to the email address in the Job_Application module? Or, is the template you have in mind for a workflow or advanced workflow automation?

  • Hi Niegel Leoncio,

    When discussing templates in Sugar, it is important to distinguish between email templates, worklfow templates, process templates, and campaign templates. Each of these templates have different use cases and subtly different capabilities.

    In an email template, which would be used when sending an email manually, the Contact first name variable can be entered using the buttons in the user interface. The variable is: $contact_first_name

    In your question, you mention a Job_Application module. How is the link to the Job_Application module relevant to your email? Is the email being manually sent to the email address in the Job_Application module? Or, is the template you have in mind for a workflow or advanced workflow automation?
