Update on CreateActionsView changes in Sugar 7.7

Based on Sugar Developer community feedback, we have an additional update about the CreateActionsView changes in Sugar 7.7.

CreateActions migration script added to Sugar 7.7 Upgrader

During Sugar 7.7 upgrade, the upgrader will identify existing create-actions view/layout customizations and automatically migrate them to create view/layout.  This is a best effort migration that follows the two steps listed near bottom of this blog post.

If a custom create view/layout already exists, then create-actions changes will not be automatically migrated.

This will mitigate impact of this change for existing Sugar customers.

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  • Comment originally made by Matthew Marum.

    Yes, Quick Create continues to use the Quick Create menu metadata to select the layout to use in the drawer.

    For example, in modules/Accounts/clients/base/menus/quickcreate/quickcreate.php

    $module_name = 'Accounts';

    $viewdefs[$module_name]['base']['menu']['quickcreate'] = array(

        'layout' => 'create',

        'label' => 'LNK_NEW_ACCOUNT',

        'visible' => true,

        'order' => 0,

        'icon' => 'fa-plus',


    The 'layout' property selects the Sidecar layout to load when quick create is called.  You could select a different create layout for your custom Quick Create by overriding or extending this menu metadata.