Article How to Create a Calendar Event

The available calendars in SugarClub include:

  1.  SugarClub Events  
  2.  Training & Certification:  Live Classes  
  3.  DevClub:  Developer Events  
  4. PartnerClub
    (only visible to SugarCRM partners and employees)
    1.  All Partner Events  
    2.  Reseller & Distribution Partner Events  
       (only visible to defined partner types)
  5. All calendars can be viewed together on the All SugarCRM Events page

Access to certain calendars, including the ability to create versus view, is not available for all SugarClub members. Please email for assistance if you are not able to perform an expected action or if you have any questions.

SugarCRM employees can review this document for more information about having an event added to a SugarClub calendar.