Article How to Use Search & Search Syntax

How to Search in SugarClub 


Search is always at the top of the page.

Important: Search is contextual. Wherever you are in the community is where you are searching first.

  • If you are on the site homepage you will be searching the whole community, site-wide.
  • If you are on a group homepage, you will be searching within that group first.
    • You can filter the content by selecting the application that it is posted in (e.g., files, blog posts, forums, wikis, and events).
    • You can change your search location by selecting the other options available, such as "Anywhere" to search the entire site

We recommend using keywords to search for the content you are interested in. You can bookmark forums, blogs, and other content that is interesting to follow.

Search Syntax


+  Required operator. The term after the "+" must exist in the document.

  • Example: +release beta
  • All content returned must include the term "release" and may contain the term "beta".

-  Prohibit operator. Excludes documents that contain the after the "-" operator

  • Example: -event
    • Results returned will not include the term "event".
  • Example: -"event registration"
    • Results returned will not include the phrase "event registration".


  • Example: title:community (type:blog OR type:comment)
  • Results returned must have "community" in the title and be either a blog post or comment.

Field query

Use a Field Query to target a specific field for searching

  • Example: "title:enrollment"
    • Results that contain the term "enrollment" in the title.
  • When a field query is used, you can use Boolean operators
    • Example: title:enrollment AND group:5
  • Fields not recognized will be ignored and default to standard processing.

Search Term Quantities

For non-field searches, the term(s) queried are searched across the title, body, tag, and attachment text. The default behavior is for a number of matched terms in the document to be strict at lower counts and get more relaxed as the number of terms increases:

  • 1-2 terms: All terms must exist in the document
  • 3 terms: At least two of the three terms must exist in the document
  • 4-9 terms: 75% of any of the terms must exist in the document
  • 10+ terms: 66% of any of the terms must exist in the document