Quote Line Item Search Filter Disabled Products from Results


I have a  question about possibility of  removing items for the quote line item selector

When selectin the  [+]  to add a  new row, I start typing, this returns all products matching this search query.

Is it possible to exclude items from  this list based on say a field called status?

So only Catalog items returned are items that are "Enabled"

  • Hi yes it is pretty possible. Actually such a feature make CRM to filter accordingly on both quick search and popup as well.

    In the file custom/modules/Products/clients/base/views/quote-data-group-list/quote-data-group-list.php you need to modify product_template_name definition this way:

            array (
              'name' => 'product_template_name',
              'label' => 'LBL_ITEM_NAME',
              'widthClass' => 'cell-xlarge',
              'type' => 'quote-data-relate',
              'required' => true,
        		  'initial_filter_label' => 'LBL_FILTER_POPUP',
        		  'filter_populate' => array(
        			 'status' => array('Available'),

    Create an extended Language on module ProductTemplates in order to setup the label LBL_FILTER_POPUP.

    Remember to run QRR after saving the files.


    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada
  • Hi Brendan, you also may want to consider the use of Teams in Sugar. Each record has team assigned and this governs who can see it. 

    So you can make products available to a specific team and not another. E.g a laptop with a uk plug is available to the uk team but not the german team. 

    This is Out of the box configuration and applies to any record in sugar. 

    Hope this helps.