Known Issues with Storage Calculations

Dear SugarCRM Customers,

This week, you may have received an email notification that either your Sugar Cloud storage was near full or that you had exhausted your storage limitations. Please disregard this notice.

We are actively investigating an issue with the Sugar Cloud storage reporting that may have caused these emails to go out erroneously.

As our teams address this issue, we will refrain from sending out invoices until we can accurately report true storage calculations.

Please turn notifications on for this post if you would like to receive updates about this matter. 

Thank you, 

  • Dear Customers,

    After completing our investigation, we identified that database storage usage data prior to October 2024 had been under-reported by our system, resulting in customers being under-billed for that storage usage.

    We are pleased to share that the issue causing this under-reporting has been resolved, and any storage usage data reflected in our communications and cloud insights panel is now accurate.

    While additional database storage was consumed during this period, we recognize that this reporting failure prevented customers from receiving accurate and timely information about their storage usage.

    To address this, SugarCRM will absorb the costs of overages for Managed Database Storage incurred between August 1, 2024, and January 31, 2025. This grace period also provides an opportunity for customers to adjust their storage usage if desired.

    Customers will not be charged for any Database Managed Storage overages during the months of August 2024 to January 2025.

    Notifications for overages will continue as normal. Regular billing, reflecting proper storage amounts, will resume in February 2025.

    We sincerely apologize for any confusion or inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding as we address this matter.

    What caused the system to under-report storage usage data?

    Earlier this year, our database software, MySQL, introduced a bug that impacted application performance for customers. As a result, SugarCRM made changes to our storage metric collection to alleviate the performance issues. In some cases, these changes caused inaccurate reporting of storage consumption.

    How was this issue addressed?

    Upon discovery of the issue, SugarCRM developed, tested and updated the metric collection. Additionally, we audited storage usage to determine that the reporting is accurate.

    Will we be billed for data-overages?

    Database Managed Storage overages will not incur any fees for overages during the August 2024 to January 2025 timeframe.

    Overages from February 2025 and beyond will incur standard charges.

    Customers can expect their first overage bill in May for overages during the February 1 to April 30th timeframe.

    As always, SugarCRM issues communication as customers are approaching their storage limits.

    Note that FileSystem usage has been correct and invoicing has previously been sent to customers who had FileSystem data overages.

    Where can I access our storage usage?

    Log into your SugarCRM account and visit SugarCloud Insights to review your current storage usage.

    As mentioned above, the storage usage reported has been reviewed and confirmed to be accurate.

    If our data storage has exceeded our allocated amount, what can we do to reduce storage?

    For tips on reducing your data usage, refer to this article.

  • Dear Customers,

    After completing our investigation, we identified that database storage usage data prior to October 2024 had been under-reported by our system, resulting in customers being under-billed for that storage usage.

    We are pleased to share that the issue causing this under-reporting has been resolved, and any storage usage data reflected in our communications and cloud insights panel is now accurate.

    While additional database storage was consumed during this period, we recognize that this reporting failure prevented customers from receiving accurate and timely information about their storage usage.

    To address this, SugarCRM will absorb the costs of overages for Managed Database Storage incurred between August 1, 2024, and January 31, 2025. This grace period also provides an opportunity for customers to adjust their storage usage if desired.

    Customers will not be charged for any Database Managed Storage overages during the months of August 2024 to January 2025.

    Notifications for overages will continue as normal. Regular billing, reflecting proper storage amounts, will resume in February 2025.

    We sincerely apologize for any confusion or inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding as we address this matter.

    What caused the system to under-report storage usage data?

    Earlier this year, our database software, MySQL, introduced a bug that impacted application performance for customers. As a result, SugarCRM made changes to our storage metric collection to alleviate the performance issues. In some cases, these changes caused inaccurate reporting of storage consumption.

    How was this issue addressed?

    Upon discovery of the issue, SugarCRM developed, tested and updated the metric collection. Additionally, we audited storage usage to determine that the reporting is accurate.

    Will we be billed for data-overages?

    Database Managed Storage overages will not incur any fees for overages during the August 2024 to January 2025 timeframe.

    Overages from February 2025 and beyond will incur standard charges.

    Customers can expect their first overage bill in May for overages during the February 1 to April 30th timeframe.

    As always, SugarCRM issues communication as customers are approaching their storage limits.

    Note that FileSystem usage has been correct and invoicing has previously been sent to customers who had FileSystem data overages.

    Where can I access our storage usage?

    Log into your SugarCRM account and visit SugarCloud Insights to review your current storage usage.

    As mentioned above, the storage usage reported has been reviewed and confirmed to be accurate.

    If our data storage has exceeded our allocated amount, what can we do to reduce storage?

    For tips on reducing your data usage, refer to this article.

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