Email Template for Confirmation Email

I know this is probably a noob question, but I am still working through little things here and there.

On a form submission I want to send a confirmation email.

Is the only email templates available those created with the old designer via Manage | Campaigns | Triggers?

  • Hi John!

    When using the confirmation email option on the form builder, it will only pull emails created as a trigger with the old designer as you mentioned. If you would like to use the newer builders to design your confirmation email, you can use Email Builders 1.0 or 2.0, grab the source code, then paste it into the trigger HTML. This way, you wouldn't have to use the old designer.

    Alternatively, instead of using the confirmation email option, you can use a nurture to send out the email. You can add an action to add them to a nurture with the confirmation email as the first step.

    Please let me know if you would like more details on the above processes!



  • excuse my ignorange, but how, in EMB, do I take the code from my email built in EMB2, to put it in a template? Unless I am missing something, I can only build email templates with EMB.

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