Author: Yuri Gee
Date: 31 Dec 2024
5 minute read time
In this article, I'll show you how to extend Sugar Logic with a powerful string search function. This function can search for string fragments in SugarCRM fields across various scenarios. I'll also provide an example of how to easily extract the first value from a multi-select field using this function.
Sugar Logic Extension Function Code
Sugar Logic built-in SugarCRM feature lets administrators implement calculations for a field or control its visibility. Here's an example of a Sugar Logic extension, based on the provided developer guide article.
I developed the following example file that implements a new strpos function, designed to search for the position of a substring within a string:
require_once 'include/Expressions/Expression/Numeric/NumericExpression.php';
class CustomStrposExpression extends NumericExpression
/*** Returns position or -1 if a substring is not found */
public function evaluate()
$params = $this->getParameters();
if (count($params) != 2) {
throw new Exception("strpos: should have 2 parameters");
$result = sugarStrpos($params[0]->evaluate(), $params[1]->evaluate());
return $result === false ? -1 : $result;
/*** Returns the JS of the evaluate function. Not implemented in this example*/
public static function getJSEvaluate()
return <<<EOQ
return -1;
/*** Returns the operation name that this Expression should be called by*/
public static function getOperationName()
return 'strpos';
/***Returns the exact number of parameters needed*/
public static function getParamCount()
return 2;
/*** All parameters are to be strings*/
public static function getParameterTypes()
return AbstractExpression::$STRING_TYPE;
It's recommended to thoroughly test this code example in a test environment before considering it for production use. To apply the changes, run Quick Repair and Rebuild, followed by Rebuild Sugar Logic Functions. Keep in mind that it may take some time for the new function to appear in Studio.
Formula Utilizing the Custom Function
The example formula below utilizes the newly created strpos function to extract the first option (item name) from a multi-select field $multiselect_test_c, and is set up for a dropdown field:
strReplace("^","",subStr(concat(toString($multiselect_test_c),","),0, strpos(toString($multiselect_test_c),",")),false)
This formula is simpler, more efficient, and more general than the one used in the previous article, which only employed stock functions and could extract values of up to 30. It can also be used to more easily extract arbitrary text fragments.
The result of applying this formula to the test multi-select field, Case Status, is shown in the following picture.
Breakdown of Functions
- `toString($multiselect_test_c)`: This function converts the multi-select field's object into a string.
- `concat(…,",")`: Adds a comma separator to ensure that strpos (when searching for it) will always return a positive value.
- `substr(...,0,strpos(…))`: This part extracts a substring from the string in step 2, ending just before the position index returned by strpos.
- `strReplace("^","",,substr(…),false)`: This part replaces the ^ symbols surrounding the multi-select values with blank characters.
- ` strpos (…,",")`: This is the key part that searches for the position index of the first comma separator, which separates individual values in multi-select fields.
Purpose and Considerations of This Formula
The formula is designed to extract the first option from a multi-select field by using a custom strpos function. This function searches the string representation of the field to identify the position of the comma separator that marks the end of the first value.
- strpos is an example of a general function that can be applied to arbitrary strings, such as email and note texts, HTML tags, etc. The back-end code uses a function from the SugarCRM utils library to calculate string positions, assuming the underlying function exists within its scope.
- You may need to update the JavaScript implementation for real-time view of calculations, as it currently returns a value of -1 at all times. This does not appear to significantly impact the user experience when saving a record.
- Ensure that you check if the function returns -1 (when the substring is not found) in any formulas that depend on this function.
- The code sample is provided as-is and needs to be tested in a test environment first to ensure it meets your requirements.
We’ve explored extending the Sugar Logic function with a versatile strpos function that can parse strings more effectively. This approach simplifies the extraction of multi-select field values, making the process smoother and more efficient.
By leveraging the strpos function, you can handle arbitrary strings, such as emails, notes, and HTML tags more easily. Remember, always test any new function in a safe environment to ensure it meets your needs. Happy coding!