Setting leads based on zip codes

Hi all, I am trying to set up logic to auto assign leads based on zip codes. I know how to do this by state using a business rule and process definition but setting up a rule with 41K+ zip codes seems a bit much. any ideas on the best way to set this up?

  • Hi Zach,

    I had a similar need for assigning Accounts when a sales territory for a state was split.  It was a manual and painful project accomplished using export / import and the Excel "=vlookup" command.

    If the volume is low enough, you could have a BPM that sent the request to assign the lead to someone that had the time and responsibility to do the assignments.

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)

  • Hi Zach,

    I had a similar need for assigning Accounts when a sales territory for a state was split.  It was a manual and painful project accomplished using export / import and the Excel "=vlookup" command.

    If the volume is low enough, you could have a BPM that sent the request to assign the lead to someone that had the time and responsibility to do the assignments.

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)

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