Change Data Type

I made a mistake years ago, that just came up.

We use two fields, the competitor an Account uses, and then what competitive software we converted them from.

It seems I created one as a DropDown instead of a MultiSelect, as it should have been.

We have tons of data in the Converted From now.

Is there any way to convert this to a MultiSelect now, without losing all the data in that field across Accounts?

  • If you're filing a case with Sugar Support regarding this topic, I’d like to offer some advice to help set expectations and ensure the best possible experience.

    Per the public scope of support, the Sugar Support team is equipped to assist with functionality that can be achieved through the application's user interface. Since there is no built-in capability to change a field’s data type via the UI, support cases requesting that outcome will not be directly addressed by the team.

    Instead, they will refer you to their published guidance on this topic:

    However, the SugarCloud Policy Guide notes:
    "Occasionally, there may be a need for direct database queries to be run against a cloud instance, and if this is needed, please open a support case."

    This means that if you know the specific fields in the fields_meta_data table that need to be modified, along with the exact values they should be changed to, you can write a MySQL query for those changes and submit it to Sugar Support. They are prepared to execute a properly structured query on your behalf.

    That said, Sugar Support cannot guarantee that running a provided query will produce the exact results you expect. Because of this, I strongly recommend asking them to first run the query in a test instance or a clone of your production instance. This way, you can review the results before giving approval to proceed in production.

    Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

    Patrick McQueen
    Director, SugarCRM Support

  • If you're filing a case with Sugar Support regarding this topic, I’d like to offer some advice to help set expectations and ensure the best possible experience.

    Per the public scope of support, the Sugar Support team is equipped to assist with functionality that can be achieved through the application's user interface. Since there is no built-in capability to change a field’s data type via the UI, support cases requesting that outcome will not be directly addressed by the team.

    Instead, they will refer you to their published guidance on this topic:

    However, the SugarCloud Policy Guide notes:
    "Occasionally, there may be a need for direct database queries to be run against a cloud instance, and if this is needed, please open a support case."

    This means that if you know the specific fields in the fields_meta_data table that need to be modified, along with the exact values they should be changed to, you can write a MySQL query for those changes and submit it to Sugar Support. They are prepared to execute a properly structured query on your behalf.

    That said, Sugar Support cannot guarantee that running a provided query will produce the exact results you expect. Because of this, I strongly recommend asking them to first run the query in a test instance or a clone of your production instance. This way, you can review the results before giving approval to proceed in production.

    Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

    Patrick McQueen
    Director, SugarCRM Support

No Data