How can I tell the original Module a cloned module was based on?

We had a vendor that created multiple 'customed' modules by cloning the original modules like Accounts, Contacts, etc. Now we want to know how can we tell which was the original module that 'customed' module was based off. 

  • Hi Max
    If you go to studio and look at the fields you should be able to tell based on the fields created.
    For example:
    If it was based on Person you will have first_name and last_name fields.
    If it was based on Sale then you will have amount, date_closed fields.
    If it was based on Issue there will be a {MODULE_NAME}_number field, priority.
    If it was based on Company there will be an industry, annual_revenue field.
    If it was based on File there will be document_name, filename or similar.


  • Hi Max
    If you go to studio and look at the fields you should be able to tell based on the fields created.
    For example:
    If it was based on Person you will have first_name and last_name fields.
    If it was based on Sale then you will have amount, date_closed fields.
    If it was based on Issue there will be a {MODULE_NAME}_number field, priority.
    If it was based on Company there will be an industry, annual_revenue field.
    If it was based on File there will be document_name, filename or similar.


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