What does this mean? "No Value for arguments for PMSE method closeFlow"

I've pulled the Log, and there are many hundreds of these lines with a date and time (going back a couple of weeks):

[6433][1][FATAL] No Value for arguments for PMSE method closeFlow
[5592][1][FATAL] No Value for arguments for PMSE method closeFlow
[5925][1][FATAL] No Value for arguments for PMSE method closeFlow
[9873][1][FATAL] No Value for arguments for PMSE method closeFlow

Any insight of where I should be looking for the issue?
  • Hi ,

    It's hard to say what may be the cause without some deeper investigation into the database. Based on the code, this means that 1 or more entries in your pmse_bpm_flow table has an empty cas_id and/or cas_index value. Both of these values are expected with each flow entry and the error message you are seeing is generated when one or both values do not exist for a given entry.

    To investigate the database in SugarCloud (which I recall you being on), you will need to use the Custom Queries module. If you are not familiar with the module, go to Reports and then from the Reports tab select 'Manage Advanced Reports'. Now, from the 'Advanced Reports' tab, select 'Create Custom Query'. Give the query a name along with the desired SQL statement and click 'Save'. Then, find the name of the query you created in the list and select 'Run Query' from the right side.

    The following queries will help in tracking down a potential source of the issue:

    1. This query will give you a pointer to the elements in one or more process designs that are generating the unexpected values.

    SELECT DISTINCT bpmn_id, bpmn_type FROM pmse_bpm_flow WHERE cas_id = '' OR cas_id IS NULL OR cas_index = '' OR cas_index IS NULL;

    The query should return something along the lines of:

    a9bb33fc-1f81-11eb-b013-06096de0da1a bpmnActivity
    a9da9fee-1f81-11eb-a3e0-06096de0da1a bpmnFlow
    740d31b0-1f81-11eb-b40c-06096de0da1a bpmnGateway
    7418a9d2-1f81-11eb-a6ff-06096de0da1a bpmnEvent

    2. The database table(s) you need to query next are guided by the second column of the above results. The SugarBPM database tables all start with pmse_*. If your entry in the above result says bpmnActivity, then the table to use in your next query is pmse_bpmn_activity, if it is bpmnFlow, then query the table pmse_bpmn_flow, and so on. For the query below, I am going to use the first row from the results above as an example (the only things you need to substitute in the query are the pmse_bpmn_activity for the table and the database ID at the end):

    SELECT pp.name "BPM Definition", pba.prj_id "BPM Definition ID", pba.name "Element Name" FROM pmse_bpmn_activity pba LEFT JOIN pmse_project pp ON pba.prj_id = pp.id WHERE pba.id = 'a9bb33fc-1f81-11eb-b013-06096de0da1a';

    This query should give you something like:

    bpm definition bpm definition id element name
    Case Follow-Up Date Management e2a12f7c-4178-11ec-8de3-02c180ed988e Follow-Up Extension

    What this gives you is the name of your process definition (bpm definition), the ID for that definition (you can go to the direct URL of https://your_sugar_instance.sugarondemand.com/#pmse_Project/<bpm_definition_id> ), the name of the element on your process design causing the issue. Go to that definition and then to the design canvas and review the element in question. There may be something obvious about it or something that leads into it that is no longer valid causing the issue. 

  • Thanks Chris - I'm starting my deep dive now...

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)