Change the owner for 2000 accounts without sending notification mails

I need to update the owner for about 2000 accounts. SugarCRM however sends a notification mail for each account that I change the owner for.

How can I change the owner for 2000 accounts without sending a notification mails tsunami to the new owner?

  • One other thought - If you have the "notify on assignment" set for the user instead of a process that sends the email, just turn that off for them (it's probably cleaner, unless there are other notifications they should receive while you're doing the mass update. 

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)

  • Thanks Bud, that's indeed for me the most feasible approach.

    Another thought (somewhat more labour intensive though ;-) ) - I could temporarely replace the targeted new owners' email with my email and  catch all the notification mails and channel them in a dedicated folder in Outlook via a mail-rule...? By doing so the occasional non-massupdate related notification mails would not get lost. After checking that folder , all notification mails of the mass update in that folder can then simply be deleted.
    Is that a correct assumption ?

    Thanks again for the above hint


  • Hi Hugo,

    Yes, diverting the email to yourself and filing then deleting them is an option.  I'm one to avoid "extra" email traffic to my system and 2,000 emails couldn't be any fun.  Assuming you have the field set for Auditing, you'd have the record of the change.  Again, I'd do it off-hours so performance isn't impacted. 

    Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)

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