On Premiss Server Slowing Down - SQL Log files ?

Hello everyone,

Request to our server have been seriously slowed down this week. 

While checking the table's size, the report below has been displayed. 

Does any know what's the " tracker " table ? 

is the size of the table responsible for the trouble shoot ? 

Parents Reply
  • Hello, 

    Just in case someone reads this discussion while being in trouble with his data base, if found the tables and the fixing commands to get rid of these over sized tables, 

    1st command :  mysql -u [user] - p 

    2nd command : use [database];

    3nd Command : 

    SELECT        table_name AS `Table`,      round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) `Size in MB`  FROM information_schema.TABLES  WHERE table_schema = "[database]" ORDER BY `Size in MB`;

    4th Command : to truncate the over sized  table, 

    truncate [table names];

    I got rid of  "tracker" and "activities" 

    don't forget to replace the data base and user name in the commands. 

    Thank you for reading 
