

i already searched for an answer, but non of the given Answers worked for me. I think i just dont get it. I hope someone can help me out!

I have a "yes" and "no"- drop-down. If the user say "yes" the date of an other (date)-field should change to 01.01. of the current year. If the user says "no", the (date)-field must stay clear so the user has to type a date in it. 

Many thanks in advance!

Parents Reply
  • I tested in my local, formula is working for me.

    Once cross check field Standard-Vertragslaufzeit dropdown both Iteam Name and Display Name same as "Nein" and "Ja"


    Here in the above formula Yes / No are the Iteam Name from the Dropdown List. So manke sure you are giving Iteam Name only. Also value will be updated only after you click on Save button.

    Coming to "Why you cant change the date if you say NO" - coz for calculated field, we can no longer set the value manually in the Edit View. This field will be in disabled.

    Let me know for further help.

    Best Regards

    S Ramana Raju
