ELASTIC SEARCH->SearchPhaseExecutionException[Failed to execute phase [query], all shards failed; shardFailures

Hi All,

           I was trying to make the global search work for my crm version 7.7x

when i click on the test in the crm admin->search i get a popup like 'do system indexing'.

I have set up a cron for every five minutes and done indexing

The thing is i am unable to figure out if the

1.indexing is done or not.

2.i am getting SearchPhaseExecutionException[Failed to execute phase [query], all shards failed; shardFailures

Elastic search is not returning any records in the global search and when i click on the full search icon on global search i get the SearchPhaseExecutionException[Failed to execute phase [query], all shards failed; shardFailures.

I am in very bad need to fix this and any help would make my day. Tevfik Tümer Lori F 



  • Take a look at your config.php file and copy the value for the entry labeled 'unique_key.'

    Assuming you are at a machine that should be able to directly access Elasticsearch, open your browser and go to:


    That would at least help you take a look at the index to see if it actually indexed.

    I would also recommend that you check the amount of free disk space available on the Elasticsearch servers. You should allocate approximately 2.5 times the size of the Sugar database.

  • Sidhu,

    I recommend that you truncate the job_queue table in the database, then schedule a new index being sure to delete the existing data when prompted.

    When you schedule the System Index, the records that will be indexed are added to the fts_queue table in the database.  You should see data in this table when you schedule the system index.  

    The next time cron runs, the FTS indexing should occur and you should start seeing fewer rows in the fts_queue table. When the index is complete, the fts_queue table will be empty.  

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi  

                          Thank you for your detailed explaination you have made my day.Thank you once again.



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