Still no one was able to resolve this?
Hi Rizwan Rizwan,
Have you tried formula?
Try to add same field id in second field using formula window.
Example :
Field 1 is test1_c & 2. is test2_c
Add formula for field 2 just open calculate formula & add only test1_c.
Hope it will help..
Thank you for your proposed solution, it worked like a charm, simple yet did the trick,
Btw there was no problem in Editing, the first value was the master, I couldn't edit the second "Cloned" value, which was exactly what I was looking for, also it works with picklists
Thank you,
Hi Ameed El-Ghoul,
This is default CRM behavior that if you apply formula on field then that field will become read only.
If you want to change this value then you need to do on field change code.
Yes, you can show same field in two tabs by editing record.php file of that particular module. Through studio, it is not possible. But updating record.php file of that module, you can display same field in two tabs. Just copy array of field in put it in next tab and arrange the indexing properly. save the record.php and click on repair rebuild link in admin. You can see one field in two tabs.
I would strongly recommend against this, unless the field is read-only, then perhaps you can get away with it.
If you edit the field you could easily end up with conflicting data in the two tabs and that can lead to a no end of trouble.
Since a given field can only appear once in a layout:
I've found three ways to address this:
1. Create a new field and set the calculated value as the field you want copied
2. Create a new field and use the "related" function for the calculated value (this will also copy the value in a related module)
3. Create a new field and use the "concat" function (I've done this with a few fields where I want the values of two fields to show)
Note: These fields can't be edited since they are calculated values.
Bud Hartley | Cape Foulwind, NZ (and Oregon, USA)