A warning after log-in

Dear all,

I moved my SugarCRM CE files to another server according to the instructions. However, when I try to login to the new server, the following error (about an additional module I created in Studio) appears and I am not able to access admin area at all.

I immediately need to login to the system to restore the user access as the system contains very important data.

Warning: require_once(modules/Alumn_AlumniRecords/Alumn_AlumniRecords.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in/home/bostanciworks/polscrm.com/include/utils/autoloader.php on line 74

Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'modules/Alumn_AlumniRecords/Alumn_AlumniRecords.php' (include_path='/home/bostanciworks/polscrm.com:/home/bostanciworks/polscrm.com/include/..:.:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/local/php5/lib/pear') in/home/bostanciworks/polscrm.com/include/utils/autoloader.php on line 74

Could anyone please help me on this issue?

Best regards,


Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Yasin,

    Regarding the SCRM ad, are you referring to this page?

    This should only be shown the first time a user logs in from a new PC. The second, third, etc times the window should not appear. Are you seeing something different? This data is stored in the browser cache.

    On the topic of the main page. The Dashboard is configurable on a user by user basis. Users have the ability to customise the dashlets which are shown on their Dashboard, and also create alternative Dashboards. You can read more about Dashboards here.

    Hope this helps.
