Formatting amount (likely) in the assignment notification email

Hi all

As you all know, there is an email sent out when a record is assigned to someone else. For Opportunities, the field Likely (I´ve renamed it to "Amount" in our system) comes on this email notification.

My challenge is that is shows up with all 6 decimal places! Can we format the html template in a way to that there are no decimal places?

Also, at some point in time there were no decimal places showing up in the notification (see the left example):


I don´t have a clue why it worked once but now...

We are using ISK as a currency and took the decimals off with in the file"config_overwrite.php", see:

$sugar_config['admin_export_only'] = true;

$sugar_config['default_currency_iso4217'] = 'ISK';

$sugar_config['default_currency_name'] = 'Íslenskar krónur';

$sugar_config['default_currency_significant_digits'] = '0';

$sugar_config['default_currency_symbol'] = 'kr.';

$sugar_config['default_date_format'] = 'd.m.Y';

$sugar_config['default_decimal_seperator'] = ',';

$sugar_config['default_locale_name_format'] = 'f l';

$sugar_config['default_number_grouping_seperator'] = '.';

$sugar_config['default_time_format'] = 'H:i';

Any help highly appreciated. Thanks,