How do I reset the invoice numbers and quote numbers in Sugar?

Can anyone let me know where the settings are to "reset" the quote numbers and invoice numbers in Sugar 7?  I want to begin the numbering series at a higher number than the default setting?


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  • Hi Jill,

    Thanks so much for your answer to my question.  I went in to Studio and changed the settings, but it still does not seem to work  Here are my current settings: (I saved the changes after making the change and before proceeding to test a new quote)

    But here is the next quote, prepared after the settings were changed:

    As you can see, it is reverting back to the old sequence of numbers?  Any thoughts?  On a related issue, if we want to convert the quote to an invoice and change the invoice number, how is that accomplished?  (we would have many more quotes than invoices, and want to keep the invoices in sequential order as well ....but not necessarily the same number as the quote?)

    Thanks so much for your help - we newbies are a pain!
