Tracking significant Op changes - BPM

We have dozens of active Opportunities.  To forecast future revenue we show in a report only those Op's that are above 50% probability.  Often, the total total future revenue in this report changes significantly.  This is because an Op Probability was adjusted down (e.g. 70% to 30%) or the Op value is adjusted down.  When this occurs our Sales VP's want to know why.  I do not want them to scroll through dozens of Op's looking for which ones had a significant change.

My thought is that a BPM could be used as an alert when a significant downward change occurs. For example, if Probability changes from >50% to <50% OR Amount changes by more than 30% send an email to Op Owners manager.  However, this seems difficult to implement.  I'm looking for someone who may have developed a solution or something similar.

  • Hello Bud
    We have developed a similar solution and presented it on the webinar some time ago.
    You can find it by the link.

    We automatically collect special events to control significant changes of opportunity's amount, probability, or the close date and show these events on the dashboard as a special news feed. It'll be easy to add a notification on email with opportunity details.

    Let me know if you would like to get more info or get access the demo environment.

    We make work in Sugar
    more convenient and efficient

  • Hello Bud
    We have developed a similar solution and presented it on the webinar some time ago.
    You can find it by the link.

    We automatically collect special events to control significant changes of opportunity's amount, probability, or the close date and show these events on the dashboard as a special news feed. It'll be easy to add a notification on email with opportunity details.

    Let me know if you would like to get more info or get access the demo environment.

    We make work in Sugar
    more convenient and efficient

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