7.6 - Create Opportunity and RLI simultaneously - change available RLI fields...?

We have recently upgraded to v7.6 of Sugar, and one of the great new features is the ability to create an Opportunity and its associated RLIs simultaneously.

However, I cannot see how you can change what fields are available when you create the RLI underneath the opportunity. For example, we do not use the "Best" and "Worst" value fields - we simply use "Likely". 

Presumably there is somewhere I can change these fields in Studio...? If so, please can someone tell me where! It is in none of the obvious places...

Parents Reply
  • Hi Phillippa,

    We have also been testing this in a recent 7.7.1 Enterprise system and also found that the revenue line item sub-panel cannot be edited for when you create a new Opportunity.

    This is a real issue when most customers do not use the product catalogue or the best/worst currency fields.  This was first logged by us last October, so it's a real surprise this has not yet been resolved.  I will create an additional ticket now with SugarCRM to see if I can get an update.

    Kind regards, James - Sugabyte Ltd

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