• How to lock Records AND all Subpanels (especially creating Relationships) for Records with a special Status?

    Hello Developers, We would like to implement the following: Suppose we have a data set that has a custom field called 'Status'. If the status “B” is selected in this field, then the data record should no longer be able to be changed. This can apparently…
  • How to add Mass Update Function to Opportunities Revenue Line Items Subpanel?

    Hi, I would like to bring the mass update function into the selection array of the revenue line items in the subpanel of the opportunities. Currently the functions "Generate Quote" and "Massdelete" are integrated there: . . . 'selection' => array…
  • Dependency to make field read-only after add relationships from the subpanel

    I want to make the field read-only after add relationships from the subpanel. From the subpanel, I am pulling one field value from a related module and save in the parent module filed. Then I want to make the parent module filed read-only. And want…
  • Suggestion for remove action buttons from campain log subpanel same as Revenue Line Item subpanel under Accounts.

    Hello Support or Community Manager, I have installed latest sugarcrm 7.7 and get to know that you guys have not enable "Create" or "Select" button on the "Campaign Log" subpanel under any module that subpanel display, which is very good. My suggestion…
  • How to Change rowaction button based on condition in Subpanel ??

    Hi Friends Contact -> RecordView Cases -> Subpanel under contact record. i want to change to rowaction button when case status is Closed in subpanel for example .. if case status closed then i want preview button else i want delete button as a rowaction…