• User Module not available in SugarBPM / Process Definitions?

    Hi, im really shocked 'cause it seems, that the user module is not available in SugarBPM. My idea was: Sending a Mail to the user where a specific field value is set or changed. For example: If the user field is "active" an email will be send to…
  • SugarBPM: Start Event Relationship Change not working via REST?

    Hello, I would like to implement a process that starts when a new ticket is attached to a lead. The relationship change event also works when I link a ticket to the lead via the UI. However, we also have a REST interface running that does just that…
  • Best practice for trigger a process definition after a long period of time.

    Hello, I hope you are all well. I have a request from my business to update a field on the contact record after 120 days, simple enough, so I thought. My first thought was to create a Process Definition to look for the event and wait 120 days. But I had…
  • How to reopen a case automatically when a new email is received(using Process Definitions)?

    Hi, I'm using Sugar 8.0.3 Enterprise, how can i re-open an existing closed case(Status: Closed) when a new email imported via email to case functionality has the matching Case Number[Case Macro] on the subject ? I note that Emails is not a module…