• Using SugarBPM to change child Teams?

    Is it possible to use SugarBPM to update the teams of child records? For example, we have changed the team (i.e., region) that supports an account, we would like all of the related contacts to also be updated. We have a company, an EV Automobile company…
  • Emails from BPM are not being linked to parent record

    Hello, I have a Process Definition that sends emails to the primary email address in accounts, I'm using the sugar email ID to link these into the Emails subpanel for the proper account, however, over the Email record the parent Account is not being…
  • Best practice for trigger a process definition after a long period of time.

    Hello, I hope you are all well. I have a request from my business to update a field on the contact record after 120 days, simple enough, so I thought. My first thought was to create a Process Definition to look for the event and wait 120 days. But I had…
  • How to set a field equal to another field in SugarBPM

    I'm trying to set up a SugarBPM process that will be integrated with a Customer Journey. The first task in the Customer Journey calls for assigning an Engineer to an Opportunity. The several subsequent tasks have to be assigned to the Engineer above.…
  • How to use SugarBPM to trigger activities in Customer Journey

    Hi All, I'm looking for help with making SugarBPM work with Customer Journey. We have a Customer Journey shown in "CS screenshot", where the completion of a task called "Create Pricing Tool" triggers the next task called "Pricing Tool Review by MS Leader…
  • Connect a related record via Workflow

    Hi, quite simple question. I have Module A and Module B. In Module A there is a new record created by incoming Mails. Some Values of the Record are set by the Subject of the Mail via Workflow. In This context i'd like to relate/connect that record to…
  • Process definition Module : Activity read-only feature not working

    Hello All, I working with Sugarcrm 8.0.1 to set form fields readonly after the first update.But the fields to set readonly feature is not working .Please help me solve this issue.
  • Problem with triggering SugarBPM process

    I have SugarBPM process (formerly known as Advanced Workflow) that sends an email when a field in Meetings module changes to 1. The value of this field is set by a Scheduled Job, which runs a MySQL query like this: $Query = " UPDATE meetings m JOIN meetings_cstm…
  • Creating custom Assignment Notification

    I'm trying to create a way to send out assignment notifications for the Opportunities module only. One way to do this would be to override the send_assignment_notifications method , but I'd rather not do that. Instead, I'm keeping the system-wide assignment…
  • Extend Advanced Workflow configurable actions to trigger custom PHP code

    Here it is a ready-to-use example on how to extend Advanced Workflows leveraging UI configurable custom PHP actions. It is based on the original example from SugarCON last year. I've made it so that it is module aware (the developer can define module…
  • Advanced Workflow not triggering when saving a record on an Entry Point

    Hello, I have created a custom button that sets a flag on a module. This flag activates an Advanced Workflow (That will have an approval process). The entry point works fine if the workflow is not active (calling it by navigating to < myInstance/index…
  • Field changes criteria in the start event of an advanced workflow

    Hi, I have created an advanced workflow where a field change should trigger a task to be created, however, it isn't working. The workflow works without this criteria, as well as with criteria that aren't the three field changing ones (changes, changes…
  • How to define Logic hook alongside Advance Workflow?

    Hello, let's assume, that I want to create Logic Hook and Advanced Workflow without timer. Advanced Workflow (Process definition): will run on Leads New records only criteria is Lead source equals "Newsletter" and result will be, that this Lead will have…
  • Can anybody give me example of Extending Advanced Workflow?

    Can anybody give me an easy to understand example of Extending Advanced Workflow.