Cannot add related Account and Contact to a Case record on a custom API endpoint

I have a working custom REST API endpoint in Sugar 7.8 and I even created Note records to test that it works.

This endpoint does not require authentication but sets the global $current_user to the system user in order to allow the use of BeanFactory.

I have managed to find a Contact by an email address and then find the Account that is related to that contact, but I now need to add both the Account and the Contact that I retrieved to a new Case and save it - all when the API endpoint is called.

I have been digging through SugarCRM source code, community and Google to try and find a solution for this, I have even tried extending ModuleApi and CaseApi instead of SugarApi and using their bean creation methods, but they just lack documentation to get anywhere, or don't work that way.

At the very minimum, I need a name and a parent account for a Case, as I understand, but this does not create a new case:

$case = BeanFactory::newBean('Cases');
$case->name = 'TEST CASE ' . rand();
if ($case->load_relationship('accounts')) {
  // The log message appears, so the relationship exists and was loaded
  $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Relationship test');
  // Hardcode an existing ID just to test that it works first
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal($case->name); // Works, I can see the name of the case
$relatedAccounts = $case->accounts->getBeans();
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal($relatedAccounts); // Returns an empty array
$GLOBALS['log']->fatal(print_r($relatedAccounts, true)); // Still an empty array
$case->save(); // If this line is not commented out, endpoint returns HTTP 500 error

return json_encode($case); // Otherwise this returns false

A Notes record only requires a name and it worked flawlessly, no errors after $note->save();. Why can I not add a relationship and a name to a new Case and save it?

Does it have something to do with the fact that the Cases module object key is aCase and object name is Case, different from other modules?

  • Hi Artis Plocins 

    As far I understand it is not possible to retrive/set information without authentication.

    Regarding the error 500 can you kindly provide content of php_error.log and sugarcrm.log?

    Is there any reason to don't log in before calling your endpoint?


    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada
  • The endpoint receives a few fields to generate a new case from. There is an HTML+JS form for users to fill out to generate the case in SugarCRM.

    I do believe it is effectively authenticated since I set the global $current_user in the endpoint method. Just the endpoint itself does not require authentication.

    global $current_user;
    $current_user = BeanFactory::getBean('Users');
  • The endpoint receives a few fields to generate a new case from. There is an HTML+JS form for users to fill out to generate the case in SugarCRM.

    I do believe it is effectively authenticated since I set the global $current_user in the endpoint method. Just the endpoint itself does not require authentication.

    global $current_user;
    $current_user = BeanFactory::getBean('Users');
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