Show only records related to another module


First of all, I'm using SugarCRM CE 6.5.24

I've created a custom module, called "Time Sheet", it has the following fields:

Accounts and Project are "relate" fields. My question is, how to show projects that are related to the selected account (I added a One-to-Many relationship between [Account] and [Project].

Is it required to also make the Account and Project field not only "relate" type, but to add a relationship between respective modules?

Thank you!

  • Can you use subpanels? I think you used OneToOne relationship when you create these relate field in Studio, but maybe I am wrong.

  • Hi Rron,

    You can do this custom in editviewdefs.php

    This is example in Tasks module.


    array (
        'name' => 'contact_name',
        'label' => 'LBL_CONTACT_NAME',
        'displayParams' =>
            array (
                'initial_filter' => '&account_name="+this.form.{$}.value+"',

    If you select Account then select Contact, it will filter contact by Account selected.

    If you want i can help to fix your issues, please send ftp detail to my email:



    YouAddOn Team

  • Thanks for the reply! Just a quick question before I try this, is it important that both [Account] and [Project] field are only "Relate" fields, or they have to be derived from One-to-Many relationship between respective modules and the custom module?

  • Hi Rron,

    It will work for both One-To-Many and Many-To-Many relationship, you need to add Account Name field to Project popup search.