Set Contact > Email opt_out. via API (postman) or .csv Import

Hello all,

I am looking at how I can update Contact Records > Email Address > "Opt_Out" 

 - But via csv. (for either import or using Postman > Runner)

Found this old post but has a missing image - the crucial part of the solution Nerd

For info, we send some campaigns not from Sugar, and if folk opt out of those other campaigns i wish to opt them out from their contact record > email address in back in Sugar.

But, I am stuck on what that will look like.
I do a ton of updates and things using Postman, api.  And also use postman's runner often.  Hoping to do that.

tried this initial attempt:

PUT {{url}}Contacts/MassUpdate

{ "massupdate_params": 
    { "uid": 
        [ "003d000001lVSEtAAO"

    "email_opt_out": false


If I GET my own contact record in postman I see this within:

 "email": [
            "email_address": " --my-email-address--",
            "invalid_email": false,
            "opt_out": false,
            "email_address_id": "0kQoprP4FqQdpKThqWhtZKHZYDo4DT",
            "primary_address": true,
            "reply_to_address": false

Do I need to use something like:  <module>/:record/link/
Do I need the ID of the email?

Then this does work...   but I will not (not at first) know the email ID for each record:

PUT {{url}}Contacts/MassUpdate

{ "massupdate_params": 
    { "uid": 
        [ "003d000001lVSEtAAO"

     "email": [
            "email_address": "--my-email-address--",
            "invalid_email": false,
            "opt_out": true,
            "email_address_id": "0kQoprP4FqQdpKThqWhtZKHZYDo4DT",
            "primary_address": true,
            "reply_to_address": false


Thank you in advance for any tips.  I may be on the wrong track completely!
No rush.
Just stuck.