Why is my very old Entry Point redirecting to the Home?

I finally got to Ent v12 in my production instance (now working on v13/v14) and unfortunately didn't notice in our testing that an Entry point that was added in v6 stopped working and now redirects to the Home page, oddly I've accessed it a couple of times just fine, but now seems to always redirect.

Yes, it's old, and yes "Entry Point" Face palm , but it's a monitoring page for an integration with an older system that we are moving away from, so I need it to work for another 6 months or so and honestly don't have the time or the will to do more throw-away work.

Any thoughts on why it's redirecting and how to stop it doing so?


  • Hi  ,

    I guess this is due to entry points being accessed using the BWC url.

    To prevent it from being redirected, you need to add your custom action in the config_override so Sugar knows that it's a valid action.


    $sugar_config['http_referer']['actions'][] = 'custom_entryPoint_action';

    Note that, in some ocassions when clicking it won't trigger the action but it should work fine as a workaround until you convert your entry point in sidecar (eg. custom layout).

    I hope that helps.

  • Hi  ,

    I guess this is due to entry points being accessed using the BWC url.

    To prevent it from being redirected, you need to add your custom action in the config_override so Sugar knows that it's a valid action.


    $sugar_config['http_referer']['actions'][] = 'custom_entryPoint_action';

    Note that, in some ocassions when clicking it won't trigger the action but it should work fine as a workaround until you convert your entry point in sidecar (eg. custom layout).

    I hope that helps.
