How to re-render the "record view" of a quote after a background processing triggered by a button ?


I am facing a problem that is maybe easy for some of you

  • on the quote module, I created a custom button
  • when triggered, a custom API is called
  • a part of this API process is to reorganize the Quote Line Items

My problem is the following : how to force the re-render of the quote record view (quote record and also the QLI section) after my API call is successful ?

Best regards,


  • You basically want to refresh the related QLIs

    I am not sure if Quotes is different but I have a custom module and when something changes in one subpanel I want to refresh the collection in another subpanel.

    To do this I use the controller and trigger a refresh when needed (there is a process not seen here that deletes some Product Detail records when the Product is deleted).

    The refresh function looks like this:

      refreshDetails: function() {
        //refreshes ProductDetails subpanel after an item is deleted from the Products Subpanel.
        var parentContract = this.context.parent.get('model'),
            contractDetailsCollection = parentContract.getRelatedCollection(detailsLink);

    In short: I get the parent, get the related collection I want to refresh and trigger another fetch on that collection. The system takes care of the re-render when the fetch is triggered.

    Hope this works for your scenario.


  • Hi  ,

    we gonna try this and give you a feedback. But it seems good.


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