How to add a contact into an opportunity based on the client only using Studio or BMP (or both)?

Hi, everyone!

I would like to know how to relate a contact to an opportunity automatically based on the customer.

The scenario is this one:

The user creates its Opportunities via the Quote record, the quote record only has the Account related to it. But when the user converts the Quote into an Opportunity, the user is expecting to see the Contact that is related to Account record into the Opportunity record.

So, as a resume:

The Contact value that is shown in the Account record, has to be the same in the Opportunity record:

Thank you in advance!

  • Hello Pablo

    If you are a developer, you may consider creating a logic hook for that with coding.
    I'm not a developer and I prefer to use no-code configuring tools for Sugar, so I just drew the logic of requested automation in the Logic Builder tool.

    So in case those two Contactos fields on your screens are Relationships added in the studio with these names

    so I would configure a logic hook on Opp before_save like this (follow the white line to read the sequence):

    With a click, Logic Builder provides me with zip to install it via Module Loader for this flowchart

    Here it is:

    If you use other names or Relate fields instead of Relationships the drawing would be a little different but the idea is still that simple.

    Please let me know if this zip works for your instance.
    If you used another approach for adding custom Contactos fields to your Sugar instance let me know how you added them and I will try to help with proper drawing.

    All the Best,

    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka
    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient

  • Hello Pablo

    If you are a developer, you may consider creating a logic hook for that with coding.
    I'm not a developer and I prefer to use no-code configuring tools for Sugar, so I just drew the logic of requested automation in the Logic Builder tool.

    So in case those two Contactos fields on your screens are Relationships added in the studio with these names

    so I would configure a logic hook on Opp before_save like this (follow the white line to read the sequence):

    With a click, Logic Builder provides me with zip to install it via Module Loader for this flowchart

    Here it is:

    If you use other names or Relate fields instead of Relationships the drawing would be a little different but the idea is still that simple.

    Please let me know if this zip works for your instance.
    If you used another approach for adding custom Contactos fields to your Sugar instance let me know how you added them and I will try to help with proper drawing.

    All the Best,

    Best Regards,
    Dmytro Chupylka
    We make work in Sugar CRM system faster, more convenient and efficient

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