Is there a PDF version of the Sugar documentation?

@Alex Nassi 
is there a PDF version of the SugarCRM v7.x developer guide?


Note: This topic was created from a reply on the Where can I find more information on developing new features? topic.
  • Hi FrancescaS,

    We are still working on the ability to save PDF versions of the Developer Guide (and other documentation) in our new support site as we recently made some major changes. I don't have a timeline yet on when PDFs will be available, but we are tracking it in our Bug Portal as #63865

    As of right now, the web versions are the only copies available of our documentation. 

    I hope this answers your question, but let me know if you have any other questions on this!


    Alex Nassi
    Digital CX Operations Director

  • Hi FrancescaS,

    We are still working on the ability to save PDF versions of the Developer Guide (and other documentation) in our new support site as we recently made some major changes. I don't have a timeline yet on when PDFs will be available, but we are tracking it in our Bug Portal as #63865

    As of right now, the web versions are the only copies available of our documentation. 

    I hope this answers your question, but let me know if you have any other questions on this!


    Alex Nassi
    Digital CX Operations Director

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