How to show meetings in every Invitee related Accounts Subpanel

Hi everyone,

We would like to implement that all meetings are also displayed in the subpanel of the accounts that are behind a participant. In the Meetings module, multiple participants can be added to a meeting. However, the meeting should not only be shown in the subpanel of the contact person, but also in the account connected to the contact person.

Do you have any experience reports on how this can be implemented?

Kind regards

Martin Neitzke

  • hi

    Maybe I've totally misunderstood your requirement, what you need is already working OOTB, unless you are referring to meetings with Contacts from many different Accounts?


    CRM Business Consultant

  • hi

    Maybe I've totally misunderstood your requirement, what you need is already working OOTB, unless you are referring to meetings with Contacts from many different Accounts?


    CRM Business Consultant

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