How to show meetings in every Invitee related Accounts Subpanel

Hi everyone,

We would like to implement that all meetings are also displayed in the subpanel of the accounts that are behind a participant. In the Meetings module, multiple participants can be added to a meeting. However, the meeting should not only be shown in the subpanel of the contact person, but also in the account connected to the contact person.

Do you have any experience reports on how this can be implemented?

Kind regards

Martin Neitzke

  • My first instinct would be a custom Dashlet in the Intelligence Pane of the Account Detail View.

    You can use a custom API to build the content: loop through the Contacts related to the Account and for each Contact get and display the Meetings that that contact is a participant of.

    You can choose to organize/group the data by Meeting (date, list of participants) or by Contact (which may duplicate meetings if more than one person from this Account attended). I would probably choose the latter and allow the user to filter by date so you don't pull in years of historical data that may not be so relevant.

    Keep in mind that the dashlets load regardless of whether your Intelligence Pane is open (I wish they would pull only when that particular dashboard is opened), so the loading of the record could be somewhat slower depending on how you build the dashlet, how much data you pull in etc...

    By pulling this data into a Dashlet you can also make sure that it's loaded only for those people who really want/need to see it. Others will simply not add that dashlet to their view.

    I'll be interested in seeing the solution you come up with.


  • Hi Francesca,

    That was one of our ideas too. 

    The drawback of dashlets is that they are not visible in the mobile application AFAIK. It's also a deviation from the standard usability of the app. 

    We should petition the editor to include that feature as standard, altough in some of our cases the contact-account relationship is enriched (contact role). 

    Damien Pochon

    CRM & Digital consultant @ ITS4U Group

  • Hi Francesca,

    That was one of our ideas too. 

    The drawback of dashlets is that they are not visible in the mobile application AFAIK. It's also a deviation from the standard usability of the app. 

    We should petition the editor to include that feature as standard, altough in some of our cases the contact-account relationship is enriched (contact role). 

    Damien Pochon

    CRM & Digital consultant @ ITS4U Group

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