How to place Dashlets on a 'Detail View' screen?

The question states it all: I just need a way to replace a 'Detailed View' to a Dashlet.

In my situation, what I need to do is essentially create a relationship (check) between two separate modules (check) and then take the result of this relationship and place it in another module's 'Detailed View', without the former being in it's 'Detailed View' and instead in a Dashlet view (help).

Is there anyway to do this within SugarCRM? I don't mind doing any custom code, so any help would be very much appreciated

Parents Reply Children
  • Ok in that case I am wondering if the following would be suitable:

    - In Module A create the same fields that you would need to pull over from Module B

    - in each of the fields add a formula related($moduleB, "needed_field_c")

    - In Module A create a new Panel/Tab in Studio and add the fields

    With that you could pull over the data from the related record into your detailview in a separate panel or even tab without needing to program anything. Would this be a solution?

