Disable Email Upon Assignment for a Group User

Hello Friends,

Don't suppose anyone knows how to Disable Email Upon Assignment for a Group User?

I do understand why it it not an option in the group user configuration screen and the intention of a group user.  But wonder if there is a way around it?

Use case:

  • I need to assign a portion of our leads outside of our company (parent company)
  • So the group user email address will be the desired email they will provide me soon. Using my test email for now while I try it.
  • Upon lead assignment to that group user I trigger an email via process definition.

The issue I want to solve is that they will get the assignment notification email and the process definition email.

They can't login to SugarCRM as they are not users...  so the assignment notification is pointless, they just need the PDef email.

So turning off email upon assignment for this situation would be great, just for this one group user.

I did try have a workaround, but I had the issue there of not being able to populate my relationship field from the an action event > update fields  in my process defintion? So my cheeky side question is how do I set my relationship fileds to be avalable inside process definitions?

Both options are a quick temporary patch for some staffing issues, so hoping a no code option exists.

Thank in advance Pray