Run custom script with BPM

Dear Sugar Club, 

We are slowly transitioning to version 12 Enterprise on-prem. We were a customer of SierraCRM, until they were no more. We still currently run their Process Manager module, however we would like to transition away from this module and utilise SugarBPM. 

A couple of our Process Manager processes trigger complex custom PHP scripts. I'm wondering if it is possible for SugarBPM to also run a script as an Action? 

Thanks in advance. 

Parents Reply Children
  • In addition to using Logic Hooks to run your custom scripts, you may want to investigate using the SugarQueue to add jobs to the processing queue with a run time of now in order to run them asynchronously. If your scrips are very complex then it may hold up the user if they run as part of the logic hook. It may be better users experience if the logic hook simply adds the job to the queue and returns control straight away.

    Of course, if the script needs to be synchronous (i.e. it needs to update the current record specifically) then you may be forced to keep it in the logic hook. In the past though, for scripts which may take some time to complete, I have simply returned a message to the user to say the processing is underway and they are free to continue with other UI work in the meantime.

