What are your "top 10" developer how to questions?

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  • Hi all,

    here are also to dev question we often struggle with

    • how to create an address field using code (for a new module for instance)
    • how to create and email address field using code (for a new module for instance)


  • Frédéric may I ask what is the reason to create those fields using code instead of Studio?

    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada
  • when using studio

    • it will create a custom table (and I am not a huge fan of 1-1 relationship)
    • it will store the field (part of it) in DB instead of file system (so less practical for source versionning, deployement etc.)
    • I don't understang how to create an email address using the studio

    moreover, we often need to add an additionnal field (for instance to split the street and the street number) to the address block or to replace the varchar country with a dropdown field, or we often reorganize the layout (region, postal code, country etc.) of the address field

  • You are able to create an address field set via Studio without big deal and without adding an 1-1 relationship table.

    After creating this field set you can add some additional custom fields, for example here in Brazil, Address Number, Address Complement, Address Neighborhood. Finally you can edit the record view in order to add those custom fields into custom address field set.

    A single entry email address can be added via Studio and then you can apply an email validation via additional field validation into js controller.

    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada
  • You are able to create an address field set via Studio without big deal and without adding an 1-1 relationship table.

    After creating this field set you can add some additional custom fields, for example here in Brazil, Address Number, Address Complement, Address Neighborhood. Finally you can edit the record view in order to add those custom fields into custom address field set.

    A single entry email address can be added via Studio and then you can apply an email validation via additional field validation into js controller.

    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada