scheduler Problem - Last successful never


scheduler not working ..

scheduler job Log is done every minutes ..

But Last Successful Run: Never


Tevfik Tümer

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Mehul,

    Okay, Lets clarify this. If you see status from UI, you will see done but that doesn't mean it is done with success.

    Note your scheduler id and modify on query below with <SCHEDULER_ID>.

    SELECT * FROM `job_queue` WHERE scheduler_id = '<SCHEDULER_ID>' AND `resolution` != 'success' AND message IS NOT NULL

    Then run in your database and see message field. That should give you what is going on on that scheduler.

    Best Regards

    Tevfik Tümer

    Developer Support Engineer

  • Hi Tevfik Tümer

    Thanks for reply ..

    message is Unexpected failure, please check PHP logs and sugarcrm.log

    i have check logs , its showing

    Sat Jun 18 11:35:02 2016 [8437][1be12921-1281-a1d1-30ad-503c788923c3][FATAL] Job 96d8d4c9-193d-a175-7cb9-5764e4121c2f (Process Workflow Tasks) failed in CRON run

    what can i do ??

  • Hi Mehul,

    Did you run the query I told you? If you run that against this Workflow  ~ 96d8d4c9-193d-a175-7cb9-5764e4121c2f (Process Workflow Tasks) ~ You will see the error message in the DB.

    So, If the ID is correct try to run this query in your DB;

    SELECT * FROM `job_queue` WHERE scheduler_id = '96d8d4c9-193d-a175-7cb9-5764e4121c2f' AND `resolution` != 'success' AND message IS NOT NULL 

    Best Regards

    Tevfik Tümer

    Developer Support Engineer

  • Hi Tevfik Tümer

    Yes i have run query and all job log resolution = failure

    and message is Unexpected failure, please check PHP logs and sugarcrm.log

    i have check in sugarcrm.log then its showing like

    Sat Jun 18 11:35:02 2016 [8437][1be12921-1281-a1d1-30ad-503c788923c3][FATAL] Job 96d8d4c9-193d-a175-7cb9-5764e4121c2f (Process Workflow Tasks) failed in CRON run

    what can i do ??

  • Hi Mehul,

    What do you see in PHP Error log?

    Best Regards

    Tevfik Tümer

    Developer Support Engineer

  • Hi Mehul,

    I see your updates about this issue. Did you have chance to check your PHP Error log?

    ttuemer wrote:

    Hi Mehul,

    What do you see in PHP Error log?

    Best Regards

    Tevfik Tümer

    Developer Support Engineer

    In case if you don't see any error log. Please check your php.ini to have error_log file and error_reporting on with E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED.

    Here is the documentation for this. PHP: Runtime Configuration - Manual

    When you get that error message you have to have a log line in php_error logs. (Not in sugarcrm.log) That has to give you the problem.

    I will be waiting your message.

    Best Regards

    Tevfik Tümer

    Developer Support Engineer