Trigger Event for PUT request method in weblogichooks

what is trigger event for put request method. for example for get after_retrieve, for post after_save  and for delete after_delete is there.


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  • Rafael,

    I don't think there is any need to update the docs. As Francesca says, the fetched_row was not available for use in the after_save hook (and we are going back to versions 6, 5 or 4 here as well) but now it is.

    I do not remember when it started to be available to after_save but there are a few historic forum posts (notably by Jason Eggers) regarding techniques to use fetched_row data in the after_save hook by using a static variable that specifically gets set in a before_save hook. In my recent experience that is no longer necessary. So a hole in the functionality has been plugged Slight smile

