Process Definition not Triggered from $bean->save()

Hi everyone.

I am struggling to figure out why, but a process definition that uses the "Changes" method is not firing when a logic hook is using $bean->save(). The changes is a simple "No to Yes" but when saving the record it doesn't go into the processes.

I tried doing:

$dataChanges = $bean->dataChanges;
$bean->dataChanges = $dataChanges;

But seemingly had no luck. Has anyone seen this before?



Parents Reply
  • I am unable to understand that why you are added the following lines in your code:
    $bean->ignore_update_c = true;
    $dataChanges = $bean->dataChanges;
    $bean->dataChanges = $dataChanges;

    What is the purpose? You are not updating anything in bean apart from ignore_update_c and ignore_update_c need to use when calling save. So you should not use both. 

    It is like you have added both a problem and a solution by ownself. 
